Sometimes using WordPress or Joomla is just not the right tool for the job. This is where we become a lot more adaptable and specific with what you require. We can hone-in onto your project and become very detailed.
Where WordPress Web Design and Joomla Web Design offer incredibly impressive marketing tools. Django offers a framework that allows us to build out fluid and flexible pages in which a user can flow through FAST! Look at WordPress and Joomla as platforms to market with. Django is a framework we use to craft and shape advanced online software.
The Django framework was built in a newsroom (Washington Post), so therefor it’s primary feature is the fact that it was built for rapid development, cutting our turn-around development time in half.
Django is a customizable framework (built in the Python language) that allows us to get very detailed, and it helps us build out robust online tools for our customers (and their users).
An recent example of this would be; a parcel consolidation and warehousing online application, in which, we needed to show users physical parcels coming into a warehouse, and then, with the user’s instruction, have the software help the user group parcels into one box, ready to be shipped out.
Software like this; needed to have a specific and detailed flow. Django allows us to get specific and develop tools like this without anything getting in the way.
We also use Django because it, also, comes with a ‘out-of-the-box’ Content Management System that is database agnostic (it can use any web-standard database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite etc).
Database agnostic means that we can build the software with (pretty-much) any database in mind, even using the same database that your Joomla or WordPress has.
Your code is held within a GIT Repository, which means outside developers can have access to your projects if your require this. We place your project on a secure SSH sand boxed server.
The Django project is documented and mapped out to industry standards, so that your outside developers can get going the moment they receive the repository.